Cheap Recipes
With rising food costs, it’s more important now than ever to reduce your grocery bill and eat on the cheap without sacrificing flavor. There are a few tips to reduce your food cost. The cost of ingredients will depend on where you shop, sales and some are initial upfront cost, but yields a lot, like a big bag of rice. Buying in bulk is another tip to reduce food costs. Always pick up your meat on sale and buy a lot to freeze. This is our collection of Cheap recipes that are easy on the wallet. Providing a good meal. It does not include side dishes such as Rice or Potatoes, which are usually always pretty cheap. Hot Dogs & Burgers are included and are usually a low-cost meal, especially the Brand Burgers, which can always be made at home for cheaper. This collection is Just cheap or low cost meals.
10 Burger patties from 1 lb of Beef at 45g a patty, just like McDonald’s.
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