These homemade Mini Pizzas are just like Grocery Store Mini Pizzas. Makes about 12 Mini Pizzas or a bit more for you to sauce and top however you like.
In a Bowl Combine Warm Water, Sugar, Oil, Yeast with 2 cups of Flour. Mix well and place into the oven to proof for 1 hour.
Add JAH Poly Flour, Sea Salt, and 2 cups of Flour. Knead for 5 minutes. Add more flour if needed. You are looking for a barely tacky dough. If the dough is too tacky, you will run into issues at the Pasta Roller. Ensure that you add enough flour so that the dough doesn't really stick to your hands.Place the dough back into the bowl and cover. Turn the stove on for about 10 seconds, then shut the heat off. Place the dough in the oven to proof for another hour.
Split the dough into 4 sections, flatten the dough out on a well floured surface and run through the pasta roller. You may have to do this a few times to ensure that you get a uniform thickness and width. Once achieved, then either stamp out the Circles, or slice into Squares or rectangles and lay them on a baking sheet. Repeat for the remaining dough.
Perforate the dough a bunch of times with a fork and place the baking sheet into a preheated oven at 425 F, middle rack position for 2–3 minutes. Remove and flip them over to allow them to cool.
Build & Bake
Top off your Mini Pizzas with Sauce all the way out to the edge and over, Cheese, and Toppings of your choice.
Place into a preheated oven at 425 F in the middle rack position and bake for 8 minutes.
The Dough should be barely tacky, add more flour if needed. Additional flour will be used to coat the dough before running through the pasta roller.
Course: Lunch, Snack
Cuisine: Canadian
Keywords: Circular Mini Pizzas, Frozen Pizza, Mini Pizzas, Personal Pizza, Rectangular Mini Pizzas, Squared Mini Pizzas